the more money a school has, the less likely it is to use that dollar productively. It follows, then, that underfunded schools could actually do more good with the money that’s being heaped upon schools with large endowments…Scott Carlson reports that a New York court has blocked Columbia’s attempted land grab through the governments powers of eminent domain. My previous post on this is here.
donations to schools with less funding are probably more productive than donations to rich schools, donating to any school is still inefficient, and helps to push tuition costs higher. To maximize a donation’s impact on higher education, donors are better advised to give directly to students (who have no endowments) instead of to schools.
John Leo
The [American Anthropological Association] censured Chagnon, an astounding act by a professional academic group. To the amazement to many, myself included, the association later revoked the censure and did it with unusually blunt language: "The task force compromised its objectivity by merging its investigation with a political agenda, in that its mission in conducting the investigation was intended to challenge 'Western elites,' and 'interrupt regimes of knowledge and power."IPEDS compliance (HT: BM)

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