Friday, January 22, 2010

Links for 1/22/10

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg
For about 40 years, by my calculation, American universities have been admitting too many candidates for doctorates in the liberal arts and the social sciences and, startling attrition along the way notwithstanding, have produced too great a supply of Ph.D.'s for a dwindling demand…

Volunteers for this new program, after training most plausibly sponsored by the State Department, would be sent abroad, chiefly to developing countries where they could teach at high levels, in some cases study (especially languages), and work in civil programs according to their abilities and training…
In Sweden, the students are protesting to– and this comes from a reputable news site— build a pipeline from the local brewery to the student union...
WSJ on Race to the Top
many states have been rushing to pass reforms willy-nilly to check off a box and qualify…

The leading reform states are well known. Florida has superior data systems, thanks to reforms under former Governor Jeb Bush, and is upending collective bargaining provisions that prevent merit pay for teachers. Colorado has excelled at creating quality charter schools, while Massachusetts's academic standards are a national model. If states like these get Race to the Top cash, it will send a signal to the rest that they need to do more than mouth the right sentiments or pass a bill. They need to be break political china...
Goldie Blumenstyk
The credit crisis and the collapse of the real-estate market have been lousy for homeowners and for those who make their living from land or buildings. But for a number of colleges, it has created what one real-estate official calls "once in a generation" opportunities…

"This is the Louisiana Purchase for the University of Delaware,"...

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