Thursday, November 11, 2010

Links for 11/11/10

Junia Yearwood
The Boston school system is churning out illiterate students whose only skills are to pass predictable standard tests…

We instituted tests and assessments, such as the MCAS, that required little exercise in critical thinking, for which most of the students were carefully coached to “pass.’’ Teachers, instructors, and administrators made the test the curriculum, taught to the test, drilled for the test, coached for the test, taught strategies to take the test, and gave generous rewards (pizza parties) for passing the test. Students practiced, studied for, and passed the test — but remained illiterate…
Joanne Jacobs
Only 31 percent of high school teachers think their school’s graduates are ready for college, reports the Deloitte 2010 Education Survey. But 68 percent of current college students say they were “prepared” or “very prepared” for college coursework…
George Wood
the Department of Education was a payoff by President Jimmy Carter to teacher unions for their support. Before that, education was part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

That’s where I propose returning it…
Now used car dealers may not be the most honest people in the world, but at least they don’t use the word “aid” to describe the loans they provide to help you buy a car over time. They might have their own euphemisms like “financing”, but they don’t suggest that they’re helping you out…

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