Monday, December 28, 2009

Links for 12/28/09

Kristin D. Conklin and Suzanne Walsh
To increase the percentage of Americans with high-quality degrees and credentials to 60 percent by 2025, as President Obama aims to do, the nation needs quantum improvements in productivity…

the first and hardest step toward productive creativity is penetrating inertia. When the going gets tough, there is comfort in the status quo…
Daniel Luzer
Considering there’s so much government money surrounding academia, it’s probably damn time to figure out where all of the money goes.
Tony Bates
My biggest disappointment this year ... has been with open educational resources. Yes, we have seen more initiatives, not just in North America but also in Europe and Africa. But what are we getting? Digitally recorded 50 minute classroom lectures and digital textbooks. What we are not getting are materials designed from scratch for multiple use, with learning objectives, contextual materials (such as links to other open source materials and possible assessment questions), student activities, and guides for instructors...
Edububble on lawyers:
the biggest problem is that we have way too many educated people and not enough work for them to do.
A couple of old letters.

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